EUROSPINE is very pleased to annonce the link to EUROSPINE’s newly-released 2017 annual report: Advancing a Unified Approach to Patient Care.
Over the past year, EUROSPINE has focussed on enhancing its membership offering through enriched educational activities, harmonised diploma programmes, networking opportunities and strategic alliances with other national spine societies. Our society is stronger than ever before, with our largest membership base to date and record numbers of attendance at the EUROSPINE Annual Meeting.
- Further strengthened solid partnerships with national societies from all over Europe and around the globe through EUROSPINE’s European Spine Societies Advisory Board (EuSSAB) and welcomed three new national societies
- Expanded our diploma equivalence programme to include Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Turkey based on EUROSPINE’s ‘5 + 2 modules’ approach
- Built upon our educational offerings by enhancing our two diploma programmes, the EUROSPINE Diploma (ESD) and the EUROSPINE Advanced Diploma (ESAD) assessing an appropriate e-learning approach and beginning the development of an educational diploma for non-surgeons, the EUROSPINE Diploma for Integrated Spine Care (EDISC)
- Redesigned and relaunched Patient Line, our multilingual information website for patients, achieving over 40,000 hits per month
- Hosted more than 3600 spine professionals from 78 countries at EUROSPINE 2017, offering a rich scientific programme and networking opportunities with eminent surgeons and industry participants
- Improved access to evidence-based information for clinicians through our Spine Tango registry
- Continued to fund research projects managed by EUROSPINE members, distributing €1,058,573 from 2011 – 2017.
- Launched the Surgical Spine Centre of Excellence (SSCoE), an accreditation programme for spine centres as a quality guarantee for prospective patients seeking treatment
Please take the time to read through our annual report for more detailed information on our accomplishments, ongoing projects and our goals.
Claudia Ortner
Membership Relations Manager
EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe